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Please tell us about yourself.


First Name

Last name

Please specify your gender

Year of birth

Please select your country of residence.

Country Other.

Email address

Please provide your mobile phone number.

Please describe the institution/company/organization where you work (where you spend >60% of your work time)?

Please select only one.

Please select your professional qualification.

Which of the following best describes the scope of work of your institution/company/organization where you work (where you spend >60% of your work time)?

Please select only one.

We have therapies only in early research/preclinical phases
We do not have any therapies beyond Phase I
We do not have any therapies beyond Phase II
We do not yet have any approved/marketed drugs
We have up to 3 approved/marketed drugs
We have 4-6 approved/marketed drugs
We have > 6 approved/marketed drugs
Don't know

How many different type of kits do you have currently in development and manufacturing?

Note: Kits include all the diagnostic kits for purposes like infectious disease testing, genetic testing, cancer diagnostics, point-of-care testing and many more

terms and condition